
Friday, November 18, 2011

Art in the Future: Fake it until you Make it.

As I was preparing my topic that was originally going to be on my successful attempt of time traveling from the future back to the present (which simply consisted of going the speed of light while facing the opposite direction) I noticed while I was visiting the future the direction that art has taken from our present day to the year 2089 (which is when I visited).

What you are experiencing now in media, especially online, such as quick video clips of people's cats, photoshopped images of cats and other cat-related entertainment and internet memes featuring cats is considered the underground (which is literally under ground in abandoned subway tunnels) "edgy" art in the future. Here is an example:

However, there is still the mainstream art scene which has adopted a meta-style of Dada Anti-Art. I was introduced into this world by the 1st class citizens of the future (oh btw, there are 3 classes of citizens, the first class being the elite 1% wealthy citizens, the second are robots who have taken over the blue-collar jobs, and the third class being basically everyone else who are all unemployed and homeless who live in abandoned subway tunnels)

While that word "Dada" might not be recognizable to you, because it definitely confused the shit out of me, I actually don't even know what it means... but I heard some guy who I was told is considered an authority in the art world say it once, so I Googled it and found the Wikipedia page, but there were even more words there that I didn't understand as I scrolled through it for 10 seconds, but at least I know now that it is relevant to art. So therefore important to include in this post.

Anyway, the mainstream and more important art world is all a form of iconic mock-surrealism that questions the line between reality and fiction. All the art creates a self-congratulatory commentary and insists upon itself it's own importance, even when it arguably has none. A typically successful example of this is normally achieved through shameless plugs and multiple false third-party sources creating the illusion of relevance and popularity. I went through the history of where this stemmed from, and found that it originated with one small independent film company based in Philadelphia called Exodus Films, that is actually a functioning company now, at the present time, in 2011, and is working on a web series called "Gonzomentary" which can be seen here.

"Gonzomentary" which was originally a trilogy of subjective mock documentaries and character studies, singlehandedly changed the world's view of video, art and other forms of media through the creators frequent advertising in a network of hoaxed websites, art galleries, news stories, that the creators made themselves. And ironically enough, this very blog post that I'm writing now is the exact source from the future that I found this information that I'm sharing with you right now.

I understand the confusing paradox that you might be contemplating, but imagine how my head will spin or spun when I read (past and present tense) this blog that I'm writing now that I hadn't written yet 78 years from now ...or yesterday, when I read it... depending on how you look at the succession of events I've experienced. But I find that when it comes to time-traveling paradoxes, it's better to just suspend all logic and reasoning so that it makes perfect sense. Besides, you know... causality and whatnot. So therefore even if I choose to not publish this post I'll still end up reading it in the future which will then cause me to write it. Oh yeah, note to self, write this blog when you go back to 2011.

According to the historical archives that I read in 2089 that I'm about to write, the creators of Gonzomentary began experiencing their fortune and fame exactly after this blog post I'm currently typing is published. The popularity of their extremely hilarious first season spread like a virus infecting the entire world with so much laughter and entertainment that they began receiving millions of dollars in donations to fund for their production costs, which gave them the resources to do 25 seasons, each one being even more popular and successful that its preceding season.

Another ironic twist I found while reading this blog post 78 years from now, is that the creators of Gonzomentary procured most of their fortune from donations that people generously gave using this button here:

The creators of Gonzomentary will be considered the most successful and talented artists of their time according to what I read in the future that I wrote now. They then used that money to create a Utopian society, full of laughter, joy and cats. So you should get on board, and buy a t-shirt.

You may be asking, "what exactly does this have to do with this current website? How does this fit into 'Join My Cult'?" Well I'll tell you how ... All fans of this inevitable success of a show form together to become a group of "Clarksists" that establish a one-world government and separate humans and robots into three classes. They also create the National Organization of Lazy Authors, which I currently manage as President.

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