
I should have known when I woke up in the morning that it was the Apocalypse. It had been the apocalypse for a while, but this was it; Angels with flaming swords, the firmament cracking, the sky on fire, seas running red...about what you'd expect. Just like
I expected, it was the biggest surprise in human history, and of course, it all started with a dame...
I was sitting at my desk regretting last nights fourth bottle of bootleg rum when she walked in.
And by "walked" I mean climbed down my fire escape and jumped though the window. Somehow, I knew she'd be trouble.
"Can I help you?" I said, holding back a stream of profanities.
"That depends, are you Dr.Adventure?" she dusted off her tights,
"Maybe" I said "that depends whats chasing you through my window" I looked her straight in the eyes, then checked her out from head to toe.
"Oh, don't worry about that, I was just taking in my morning exercise, its faster than the train" She smiled.
"Well, in that case, Yes, I'm Dr.Adventure, how can I help you miss...?"
"they call me Action, I'm looking for a man." I raised an eyebrow
"maybe later, but I mean I'm looking for the man that Ended time"
"I didn't realize time was History..." I said, pouring two shots
"As of this morning" she said, taking her glass with a wink, "all time is NOW, didn't you feel strange this morning?"
"Darlin, I feel strange EVERY morning"
She continued, "humanity has undergone a mass shift in cognition, people have started remembering the past, as in before they were born, and the future."
"like i said, what else is new, where do I come in?"
She looked me straight in the eye when she downed her drink, "Well, now that we can remember the future, we know its your fault."
"Ha! you're welcome." I say, as the adrenalin kicks in, "so whats next?"
"Next" she gives with the full grin '"we have to make it happen. Our rides on the roof"
"Fuck yeah, bout time" I said as she lept back out the window . Told'ya, capital T. trouble.
This was Action girl, reality was fucked. We went to the roof and climbed into the machine. Nothing would ever be the same, it was the End of Time and the dawn of Humanity.