
Monday, January 2, 2012

404 Documents Nine: Field Report of Agent 888

(More 404.) 

888 was polishing up his field report. Adding its finishing touches. Before he had ever begun writing it. He -- I -- continued:

Delving into this subject leads the intrepid researcher/wingnut/conspiracy theorist down an increasingly convoluted path of inquiry into the subjects of Scientology, CIA government mind control black ops, child sex slavery rings in Washington, DC, methodical disinfo campaigns, "Satanic Ritual Abuse", Alternate Reality Gaming, and... Hunter S. Thompson (?!) So buckle up and put your tinfoil hats on. This shit will get ugly.

Incidentally, to all of you who were hip to this shit years back, you can go ahead and skip on to the next internet timesink and leave this alone. To the rest of you, you should probably do the same. There is no happy or conclusive ending to the story, and it is fucking BLEAK. None of this information is new; It is, however, a legitimate attempt to form a somewhat nonbiased inquiry into all of the aspects of this story an catalogue them all in a concise and cohesive manner. We are, of course, professional journalists.

Bizarre enough are the coincidences surrounding Theresa Duncan, a blogger, video game designer and film critic, researching an extensive cover-up concerning a nation-wide ring of child prostitution and murder, implicating both US congressmen and powerful business individuals at the time of her death. More bizarre still is that at the time of her death, it seemed that her relationship with longtime lover and friend Jeremy Blake couldn't have been better. All outsider reports confirmed that after 12 years, the two were still very much in love. They were at the creative peak of their careers. Blake was also a videogame designer, working with Rockstar games.

Weirder, still. Hunter Thompson (a name implicated in former Nebraska Senator John W. DeCamp's "The Franklin Cover-Up" which relates extensively to systematic ritual abuse allegations and government mind control black ops) and his apparent suicide with its connections to the very conspiracy it seemed Theresa was working to unravel. At the time of researching mind control and DC sex trade, Theresa and her boyfriend Jeremy Blake became increasingly paranoid- and this is possibly justified.

There were rumors of Scientologists persecuting the couple, and government agents attempting to sabotage their personal life. It seemed that in the course of their artistic careers, Duncan and Blake had made a lot of powerful enemies.

Add to this toxic brew an ostensibly "corporate" ARG (Alternate Reality Game) viral marketing hoax, for god knows what, based around the supposed conspiracy theories surrounding the deaths of Duncan and Blake as they battled paranoia and what they believed to be government cover-ups- one that is at the very least criminally negligible and very much in poor taste.

If this all seems increasingly convoluted, that is because it IS. I will outline, point by point, each of the individual components to what seems to be one of the nastiest and most frightening conspiracies I myself have ever unwittingly stumbled upon...


THEIR entire insidious agenda, from day one, has been to create an army of sleeper drone brainwashed assassins, fueled by narcotics, desensitized and trained to kill by the entertainment industry, and set loose upon the world at large to ensure the immanent reign of LORD XARTHROPE NEGLARCH III, through using the Knights of Malta as the military arm of the Vatican to establish one kingdom to be ruled under Lord Xarthrope.

...I want to note here that I am not confirming, nor am I denying, any of the accuracy of any of the information I am providing you with. I am simply reporting to you what I myself have read, seen, and the pieces of this puzzle I have put together on my own.

Do not contact me regarding this. I don’t need more psychos sending me their manifestos.

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